From the founder to the latest hire, technology is in our company DNA.
In collaboration with the an Intelligence Community Customer, and with the support of Aerstone, one of five companies worldwide certified by the NSA-certified as a vulnerabiliContinuus: a fully compliant Information Systems Continuous Monitoring (ISCM) solution designed for rapid deployment and inexpensive ongoing support. Continuus is on a highly customizable and expandable .NET platform. Continuus delivers real-time ISCM intelligence, with a sophisticated least privilege access model that ensures sensitContinuus platform Meets these challenges this through three key modules:
Request a DemoBlackspoke can help you navigate the complexities of ISCM and FISMA compliance
There are a number of key challenges associated with implementing
a workable continuous monitoring (“conmon”) program. These challenges include:
Many government agencies have geographically dispersed networks that span multiple security classifications
Over time, most government agencies have deployed a large array of security toolsets that do not natively communicate with each other.
Most security products generate an immense amount of data on a daily basis.
Security products tend to maintain their own individual data architectures, with custom APIs and highly complex and undocumented data models.
Most agencies do not maintain a complete and up-to-date hardware or software inventory, and struggle to trace assets to owners.